First Christian Church
Week: 4/30/2017 - 5/7/2017
Reading: 2 Chronicles 32 - Nehemiah 13
Date Start End
4/30/2017 2 Chronicles 32 2 Chronicles 34 View Discussion
5/1/2017 2 Chronicles 35 2 Chronicles 36 View Discussion
5/2/2017 Ezra 1 Ezra 4 View Discussion
5/3/2017 Ezra 5 Ezra 8 View Discussion
5/4/2017 Ezra 9 Ezra 10 View Discussion
5/5/2017 Nehemiah 1 Nehemiah 5 View Discussion
5/6/2017 Nehemiah 6 Nehemiah 10 View Discussion
Morning Readers: 5/7/2017 Nehemiah 11 Nehemiah 13 View Discussion


This week we will move from Chronicles into two of my favorite books in the Bible, Ezra and Nehemiah. 

But before we do that we will be reading about King Hezekiah and his special relationship with God.  God saved Jerusalem from Sennacherib the king of Assyria miraculously and even healed Hezekiah directly of an illness that would have killed him and lived his life as one of Judah's greatest kings.  However again we see the danger we face if we don't make it a priority to raise up our children in the Lord.  We need to be aware every day of the importance of showing our children that God is real and active and that He cares about them.  In Hezekiah's case something got lost in the translation because his son Manasseh who became King when he was only 12 turned his back on everything his father believed in, and laid the ground work for Judah's destruction.  However in later years he repented and God showed again that even the most evil can be forgiven when he saved Manasseh.

As we move into Ezra and Nehemiah I am always amazed by their strength of character.  Even though they began their lives in captivity they raised themselves up to a point of prominence and authority in the the country that captured them, but always doing so while maintaining their faith in God and their integrity.

Once they returned to Jerusalem they were opposed on every side, both from outside their own people and also within, and yet they persevered.

In addition even though they rose to points of prominence and power they always remained humble before the Lord looking to Him for direction and giving Him the glory.

As you read these books look for life lessons on how to relate to other people and to God.  I think you will find that there are alot!