First Christian Church
Week: 4/2/2017 - 4/9/2017
Reading: 1 Kings 12 - 2 Kings 14
Date Start End
4/2/2017 1 Kings 12 1 Kings 14 View Discussion
4/3/2017 1 Kings 15 1 Kings 16 View Discussion
4/4/2017 1 Kings 17 1 Kings 19 View Discussion
4/5/2017 1 Kings 20 1 Kings 22 View Discussion
4/6/2017 2 Kings 1 2 Kings 3 View Discussion
4/7/2017 2 Kings 4 2 Kings 6 View Discussion
4/8/2017 2 Kings 7 2 Kings 10 View Discussion
Morning Readers: 4/9/2017 2 Kings 11 2 Kings 14 View Discussion


In Chapter 11 we see that Solomon's downfall was the love of many foreign women, however what was his sin really.  I feel that it was the sin of pride as much as anything.

As we see as we move further into 1 Kings his son Rehoboam falls in the same trap from Satan.  He too listens to the wrong people and let's his pride guide his way.

As in every case there are consequences to his sin.  Think about what types of influences feed your pride and might lead you astray.  If you have children, how do decisions regarding this type of thing affect them?

As we travel through 1 Kings and into 2 Kings we are actually following the tale of two kingdoms, Judah and Israel, after God allowed them to be torn apart.

As you can see Judah which is from the line of David has a mixture of good and bad kings, some are not so good, and some are not so bad, and some are down right evil, but they ALL have their faults.  

Israel on the other hand has exclusively evil kings, not just bad, kings who followed in the sins of Jeroboam into idol worship and other atrocities.  

The result is that Israel was destroyed and taken into captivity long before Judah was.

As you go through these chapters take note of how many time God sent prophets to the kings of both kingdoms to try to get them to walk in the ways that he told him.  He never gave up trying to get them to mend their ways.

How does that parallel your own experience with God, how many chances has he given you.  I know he has given me a lot, and I know that just like with me he has never given up on you.