First Christian Church
Week: 2/19/2017 - 2/26/2017
Reading: Deuteronomy 10 - Joshua 4
Date Start End
2/19/2017 Deuteronomy 10 Deuteronomy 12 View Discussion
2/20/2017 Deuteronomy 13 Deuteronomy 16 View Discussion
2/21/2017 Deuteronomy 17 Deuteronomy 21 View Discussion
2/22/2017 Deuteronomy 22 Deuteronomy 25 View Discussion
2/23/2017 Deuteronomy 26 Deuteronomy 28 View Discussion
2/24/2017 Deuteronomy 29 Deuteronomy 31 View Discussion
2/25/2017 Deuteronomy 32 Deuteronomy 34 View Discussion
Morning Readers: 2/26/2017 Joshua 1 Joshua 4 View Discussion


This week we will be finishing up the book of Deuteronomy the last book of the Torah, written by Moses.  Again in this book Moses is reminding God's people what he expects from them, and what will happen if they follow him, and what will happen when they don't!

He again admonishes them in chapter 11 to keep these words in their hearts, write them on their doorways, and share them with their children.

Why does God try to make it so clear that it is vitally important to remember his words, which we have in the Bible, even now today?

God makes the statement to the Israelite's  "You must purge the evil" from among themselves several times in this book.  God warned them repeatedly that if they followed after the practices of the other nations around them they would be tempted to fall away from him.  In what ways do we put ourselves at risk by not "purging the evil" from our lives?

In chapter 28 Moses specifically lists the blessing they will receive by obeying God, and also the curses that they would receive if they did not!  Why was it so hard for the Israelite's to understand that their lives would be better following God?  Why is it so hard for us?

Finally before he dies Moses shows his great love for the people that God has put in his care, that he prays a special blessing over each of the 12 twelve tribes of Israel.

As you read through these blessings think of how God has provided blessings for your life, and renew your determination to follow him faithfully!