First Christian Church
Week: 11/5/2017 - 11/12/2017
Reading: Luke 2 - Luke 20
Date Start End
11/5/2017 Luke 2 Luke 3 View Discussion
11/6/2017 Luke 4 Luke 5 View Discussion
11/7/2017 Luke 6 Luke 7 View Discussion
11/8/2017 Luke 8 Luke 9 View Discussion
11/9/2017 Luke 10 Luke 11 View Discussion
11/10/2017 Luke 12 Luke 14 View Discussion
11/11/2017 Luke 15 Luke 17 View Discussion
Morning Readers: 11/12/2017 Luke 18 Luke 20 View Discussion


This week we will be in the book of Luke.  As you read through Luke I think that it's interesting that even though the Synoptic Gospels cover much of the same information they all have their own perspective and include additional events that enrich the overall story of Jesus. For example Luke contains the familiar and beautiful passage Chapter 2 which our family and many others have read over and over each year at Christmas.  The other Gospels cover the same time period, but not in such a special way.  Next week we will see that Luke is the only Gospel that mentions that Jesus was not only taken before Pilate, but Herod as well.

Luke himself was a Gentile physician and a companion to Paul.  As you saw in chapter 1 the book is addressed to a man named Theophilus as is the book of Acts.  However one can assume that given the depth and detail of the two books they are more than just letters to a friend.  There is some thought that Luke was writing the books for Theophilus specifically so that the latter could distribute them among the believers, much like an author, publisher arrangement.  

Whatever the reason we know that he real publisher is God, and that we are the His audience!  Enjoy!