First Christian Church
Week: 11/26/2017 - 12/3/2017
Reading: Acts 9 - Romans 3
Date Start End
11/26/2017 Acts 9 Acts 11 View Discussion
11/27/2017 Acts 12 Acts 14 View Discussion
11/28/2017 Acts 14 Acts 16 View Discussion
11/29/2017 Acts 17 Acts 18 View Discussion
11/30/2017 Acts 19 Acts 21 View Discussion
12/1/2017 Acts 22 Acts 24 View Discussion
12/2/2017 Acts 25 Acts 28 View Discussion
Morning Readers: 12/3/2017 Romans 1 Romans 3 View Discussion


Today we will be picking up the pace a bit since we are now on the last leg of our journey through the Bible and we are now entering our last month together.  For all of those who have been participating I want to say how happy I am that we could all do this together!

As I said last week the book of Acts is one of my favorite books.  One reason is because it introduces such strong spiritual characters to us.  One of these is the disciple Barnabas, whose names means encourager.  Too bad that name is not used much anymore, what a great attribute to have!  My biggest problem with Barnabas is that there is not enough information about him in the Bible, but he is one of those people like Joshua and Daniel, where you really can't find anything negative said about Him.  They don't know who wrote the book of Hebrews, but some people think it was Barnabas.  I guess I would like to think so too!  Maybe someday I will get to meet Him and I'll ask Him!!

Another disciple introduced is Apollos who although he was not called directly by Jesus, eventually had such a great following of believers that there was some rivalry between his disciples and Paul's such that Paul had to address it in 1 Corinthians!

Even though we are going to be finishing Acts up this week, this is a book that I would encourage you to go back to sometime and take your time going through it.  Like I said it is packed full of great scripture!