First Christian Church
Week: 11/19/2017 - 11/26/2017
Reading: John 11 - Acts 11
Date Start End
11/19/2017 John 11 John 12 View Discussion
11/20/2017 John 13 John 15 View Discussion
11/21/2017 John 16 John 18 View Discussion
11/22/2017 John 19 John 21 View Discussion
11/23/2017 Acts 1 Acts 3 View Discussion
11/24/2017 Acts 4 Acts 6 View Discussion
11/25/2017 Acts 7 Acts 8 View Discussion
Morning Readers: 11/26/2017 Acts 9 Acts 11 View Discussion


Well here we on the home stretch with reading the Bible through in a year.  This week we will be leaving the Gospels and starting in the book of Acts.  Before we leave John however I want to point out you will be reading a lot of familiar passages from the Bible that are unique to John.  One important one is the story of Lazarus where Jesus raised Him from the dead.  This miracle sets the stage for Jesus' arrest and crucifixion, the Sanhedrin could no longer allow Jesus' to live because the people were beginning to believe and follow Him.

Also John provides us with a lot of what Jesus was doing after His resurrection in that chapters 20 and 21 both occur after Jesus is raised from the dead and we see how he continues to prepare His disciples for their own ministry which is to come.

As we move into the book of Acts I will remind everyone that Luke wrote both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts, underscored by his
opening greeting to Theophilus the same person the book of Luke was addressed to.

Acts is one of my favorite books because there is so much going on it.
In chapter 2 the Holy Spirit comes as promised to the disciples and confirms also that we too receive the Holy Spirit when we believe.
Note it says they were filled with the Holy Spirit as prophesied by Ezekiel in chapter 36:22 where God says that He will put His Spirit within us!

There is so much more that you can find in this book.  With that in mind a surprising T.V. miniseries was shown on NBC (of all stations)
called Acts in 2015.  It was produced by the same people who did "Touch by an Angel".  Although it was not a perfect job (none are) it was a very entertaining presentation of the book of Acts.  I think if you can find it somewhere it is worth watching.