First Christian Church
Week: 11/12/2017 - 11/19/2017
Reading: Luke 18 - John 12
Date Start End
11/12/2017 Luke 18 Luke 20 View Discussion
11/13/2017 Luke 21 Luke 22 View Discussion
11/14/2017 Luke 23 Luke 24 View Discussion
11/15/2017 John 1 John 2 View Discussion
11/16/2017 John 3 John 5 View Discussion
11/17/2017 John 6 John 7 View Discussion
11/18/2017 John 8 John 10 View Discussion
Morning Readers: 11/19/2017 John 11 John 12 View Discussion


This week we will be finishing up the book of Luke and moving into the book of John.  As we leave Luke there is so much rich teaching that we see from Jesus.  In chapter 18 alone we see the parable of the persistant widow, the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, the story of the rich young ruler among others.  In 19 we have the story of Zacchaeus and in 20 we have the parable of the tenants.  Read this all carefully for this solid teaching even for today.

In Luke chapter 22 Luke describes how Jesus healed the ear of one of soldiers who came to arrest him, and then even after showing them his power he gave himself up to them, showing again how the entire crucifixion was not only known to him, but allowed by him! Then in chapter Then in chapter 23 verse 34 he showed his love to not only those who crucified him, but also to all of us as well, when he asked his father to forgive them for they know not what they do!

The book of John starts with one of those most powerful passages in the Bible as John declares that "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God, and then undeniably in verse 14 he declares that the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us, declaring that Jesus was and is and always will be God!

The book of John gives a different perspective on Jesus' ministry from an eye witness account of one of the disciples closest to Jesus'.  It also includes a number of things that the other Gospels don't such as Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana, it also makes it clear that Mary knew who Jesus was.

The book is also the only Gospel that talks about the Pharisee Nicodemus who followed Jesus.  He is talked about 3 times in John, first in chapter 3 when Jesus discusses the important doctrine of being born again in the Spirit, and then he is mentioned in chapter 7, and again in 19.

There is so much more, so read carefully and enjoy!